Making a difference is not a business.

Your company can really do a lot.

When true business is doing good.

Corporate support.

We firmly believe that collaboration between business and non-profit is possible, which is why we provide your company with tools to facilitate this great mutual exchange. Your
resources and the love of all the people we will help together..

Many companies over time have supported our projects in Italy and around the world, and we are confident that many others would like to support us, but don’t know how. Thanks to corporate support, every year we manage to fund our projects and take on new ones.
Get your company involved in making a change, join us! is possible, which is why we provide your company with tools to facilitate this great mutual exchange. Your resources and the love of all the people we will help together.

Corporate Activities

Charitable Donation
Your company can support an ANPIL project with a charitable donation or help support an
awareness campaign in favor of ANPIL.

Your company can help ANPIL to realize and promote its cooperation projects by involving its network of clients and/or end consumers, raising awareness on social issues of common interest.

Your company can have the opportunity to promote its business and gain visibility during an
event or editorial product associated with ANPIL (and aimed at its projects), which has been
made possible through the company’s financial contribution.

Employee Engagement
Also known as the “Gift Matching Program,” it involves the joint participation of employees
and the company in achieving a common goal in favor of one of ANPIL’s projects.
Employees make a donation to ANPIL, and the company matches these donations with an
equivalent amount.

Corporate Volunteering
This involves engaging the company’s employees, with the company’s consent, in activities promoted by ANPIL, both in Italy and worldwide. In this way, the company’s involvement is not only financial but also highlights the participation of employees and, where possible, their professional skills, serving ANPIL’s cooperation projects. In this way, the company also becomes a tool for promoting ANPIL’s activities.

Points Collection
Customers or members of the company have the opportunity, through a points collection
system, to donate the points they have accumulated to support an ANPIL project in Italy or
worldwide. This method encourages awareness of ANPIL’s work through donations, even in
small amounts, and helps raise awareness on social issues of general interest.

Corporate Gifts
As an alternative to traditional Christmas gifts, ANPIL invites you to support one of its global
cooperation projects. Your clients, suppliers, and collaborators will be informed about your
company’s choice through personalized letters sent to your contacts, featuring your
company logo, the presentation of the project, and the reasons behind the company’s
decision. Alternatively, ANPIL can offer “solidarity gifts,” which are products whose monetary
value will be donated to the cooperation projects.

5 per mille
It is possible to allocate five per thousand of your taxes to ANPIL, as it is a non-profit
organization registered with the Revenue Agency. The CUD, 730, and UNICO forms have a
section dedicated to the five per mille, where you need to sign the first section (the one
related to “Support for non-profit organizations…”), indicating ANPIL’s tax code:

Ecco perchè abbiamo bisogno di te


Scopri i nostri progetti all’estero

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Scopri le attività in territorio italiano

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The Companies Supporting ANPIL

ANPIL’s mission has been embraced by several companies that have generously supported
our projects. Among our valuable partners are names like Edison, E.on, and Assogas.

Representatives from these companies share their experiences of collaboration and the
successes of the projects carried out in the countries where ANPIL operates.

Press Review

All donations made to ANPIL are deductible