Activities in Italy

With every child or adolescent who asks us for help, we extend a hand to the entire family.

ANPIL is close to you.

You too can ask us for a helping hand.

In all our local projects throughout Italy, our support service is designed, conceived, proposed, and implemented as a primary approach to listening to family and school-related needs.
This strategy defines each of our initiatives and involves the entire family network and beyond.

Let’s meet, talk, and connect.

This approach led us to open a Family Listening Space in Milan in 2010. This is a place and an operational context where professional staff address not only the needs of children and adolescents but also the entire family and school environment.

Only by improving the well-being of the entire context can we restore hope for a future of harmonious growth and individual autonomy.
Let’s talk together.

“Only through the well-being of the entire context can we restore hope to the individual.”

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Consultation for Families