An adventure with a capital A.

ANPIL: from the association to the birth of the ETS.

ANPIL ETS: Our Story

Love for others since 1991

It was 1991 when a group of volunteers on a mission to Haiti decided to establish an association with the aim of helping street children. In 1998, the association took on a legal form, becoming a Non-Profit Organization (Onlus) to promote cooperative activities aimed at developing countries.

From the very first mission in Haiti, we understood that there were “many thing” to take care of (“anpil” in Haitian Creole) in order to lay solid foundations and provide effective and efficient assistance.

From the idea of the “many things” to do, the name of our association was born: ANPIL. Indeed, there are many initiatives we aim to carry out every day for the benefit of the most vulnerable, especially children.

That “group of volunteers” is still us. We have welcomed new professionals, expanded our goals, and given our association a name—clear, yet with great significance.

In 2022, ANPIL became an Entity of the Third Sector, replacing its Onlus designation with that of ETS.

Dal 19/07/2023 ANPIL ETS è iscritta al Registro Unico degli Enti del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con il numero di iscrizione n. 116664.

The objectives of our organization

The driving force behind our work is singular: love for others without borders, both in Italy and in Developing Countries.
The association is inspired by principles of solidarity, transparency, and democracy and operates in the following sectors:
– Social and health-care assistance
– Charity
– Civil rights
– Protection and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents.

Abroad, this translates into projects for economic development and self-sufficiencyeducational projects for school inclusion and nutritional integration, and initiatives aimed at improving hygiene and healthcare conditions, protecting the rights of children and women.
In Italy, the association supports parenting through a Family Listening Space, designed to assist parents in their role and enhance their educational skills. Particular attention is given to families with adopted children and couples intending to pursue adoption. Activities are also promoted to combat school dropout rates and provide support to minors in vulnerable situations.

Our organization operates in the following countries: Italy, Guatemala, Haiti, Mozambique, Paraguay, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Our Mission

ANPIL’s activities are part of a framework of cooperation aimed at supporting the most
disadvantaged countries, with the following objectives: the protection of children and
adolescents, the safeguarding of civil rights, and social and healthcare assistance.

Our Vision

A world where every child, family, and community has the full right to life, education, healthcare, and self-determination, without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, religion, or political belief.


Our Organization

Massimiliano Salierno


Nicola Zito


Michele Augurio

Head of Adoptions and Family Listening Space