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With your contribution, support ANPIL's projects in the world and in Italy. You can help us
ensure that many children and their families have a new life.

Discover. Love. Donate.

Why help ANPIL?

ANPIL is a social enterprise (ETS) active since 1998, working to help children around the world see a future, and above all, live it in the best possible way.
ANPIL’s interventions are diverse and focused on different regions: within Italy itself, with
activities dedicated to improving the lives of families in difficult situations and complex
contexts. It also provides aid to Third and Fourth World countries through the implementation
of projects in conditions of degradation and extreme poverty.

Learn about ANPIL's activities


Scopri i nostri progetti all’estero

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Scopri le attività in territorio italiano

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Time is a precious commodity.
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Donazione Libera

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Per effettuare una donazione tramite bonifico bancario, ricorda di:

  • intestare il bonifico a ANPIL ETS
  • specificare il Progetto a cui effettuare la donazione
  • IBAN: IT61I0503401741000000000826
  • Conto corrente postale: 42136200
  • CF: 97220900159

Donation Total: 10€